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5 Essential Google Ads Techniques

Google Ads and digital marketing are becoming more competitive every year. Now more than ever, companies are turning to online advertising to promote their businesses. As a business owner or marketer, you may be wondering if the competition is already too fierce to start.

Here’s a review of proven strategies for Google Ads success. After more than 10 years of managing Google Ads, these techniques are the foundation of all our accounts. Increased competition has made Google Ads more challenging, but there are still opportunities for savvy advertisers to succeed.

The following 5 strategies are the foundation we rely on when managing accounts across a variety of industries.

1. Understand keyword matching types

Keywords form the foundation of Google Ads. There are currently 3 keyword match types in Google Ads. Each match type is different and you need to understand its pros and cons. I’ll give a brief overview below:

Fully compliant

The keyword exactly matches the user’s search.
For example, if someone searches for “buy dog ​​food” and you bolivia phone number library are bidding on the exact match keyword “buy dog ​​food,” your ad will show. Your
ad will not show for “dog food” or “buy dog ​​food.”

Phrase Match

Keywords match the phrase or word contained in the keyword, but other terms can be in the search.
In the example above, the phrase match keyword “buy dog ​​food” would also match searches for “buy dog ​​food near me” or “buy dog ​​food in store”

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Broad Match

Google can match you to searches similar to your original keyword.
Using our example again, the broad match keyword “buy expand the operation of line official accounts to reach more consumers  dog ​​food” could match to “buy dog ​​food,” “buy food for dogs,” or even “dog food near me.”
Each keyword match type has its place in a properly run Google Ads campaign. Underestimating when to use them is critical to your success.

While there isn’t a lot of information here about the exact bulk lead dynamics of Google Ads keywords, the majority of your keyword spend should be accurate and phrase-matched. This will give you the most control over your campaigns and allow you to bid higher on the terms that are most valuable.

Broad match keywords can be used to discover new keywords you might want to target. But be careful about the searches you’re matching to (more on this in step 3).


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