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According to data from WordStream

The average conversion rate (CVR) for a landing page is 2.35%, rising to 5.31% on average for the top 25.

We can work on optimizing our landing pages to improve the conversion rate, but it’s always good to seek inspiration from what we know works.

That’s why we want to highlight 5 examples of Landing Pages from different sectors that have caught our attention:

The design conveys the image of vitality associated with the brand

The form is short and invites you to register.
The message is direct: fill out the form to “Feed your vitality . ”
To improve:

Highlight in a more visual way what we get in exchange for completing the form.
In the form button “Send” we are losing focus. What are we architect database really sending? It would be more effective to remember what we receive in return. A “Download now” would be perfect.


The simplicity of the page, transmitting a feeling of ease, even when the product itself is complex.

The form only requires an email and password, you can even register through your social media accounts.
For visitors who need more information, the landing page also offers an informative video, testimonials, etc.
To improve:

A common practice is to create landing pages where the website local positioning of websites as the main menu is visible. This is not advisable as it “distracts” the user from the real focus, in this case, registration.

slack landing page examples


The bright colors perfectly convey Slack’s brand image

The claim is direct and invites you to register.
The form is short, with only one email alb directory field, which makes the process very quick.
On the registration button we clearly see that it is a free product.
To improve:

We miss more information about the product. Slack is assuming that the visitor already knows the tool, but it may lose potential users due to lack of information.
4. Artsy
artsy landing page examples.

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