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Align your emails with your brand

Indicate what the next step is. Notification emails are great excuses to invite your users to return to your website or app and thus increase their usage. That’s why it’s important to tell them how to proceed.

As you may have noticed, transactional emails are important points of contact with your users and customers. That is why you should make sure they are consistent with your branding: colors, fonts, and communication tone in order to provide a consistent experience.

Here’s an example from PedidosYa , an app you can use to order fo telegram database users list od and have it delivered to where you want it. As you can see, the brand provides all the information the customer needs to know to make sure the order was placed correctly.

Transactional Notification Email

3. Confirmation Email
This type of email is designed to inform a user when a specific action, which has been initiated by the person, has been successfully completed . The most common examples of this are: the receipt of a purchase made, a confirmation of a hotel reservation or a bank transfer. What do you need to know to design your Confirmation Emails? Here we tell you!

Optimize for Mobile. People no longer print these messages but instead save them in their inboxes to access them on their smartphones.

Provide useful resources

telegram database users list

Take advantage of this moment to provide your users with an amazing experience. In the case of a confirmation of registration to an event, you could send extra information, videos, testimonials from speakers, etc.

Below you can see a clear example of this type of email sent by Banco Francés . It is essential for banking institutions to send confirmations to their clients about the transactions carried out. In this case, you can see that the company sends all the details about the action and informs that it has been completed successfully.

Transactional Confirmation Email

4. Cart Recovery Email
Don’t let your customers leave! The best way to bring them back to your online store or website is  uk data by sending them an email reminding them of the products they have forgotten in their shopping cart . Also, if you have an app and some users have not yet confirmed the activation of their account, it is also a good time to send them a reminder message.

Before continuing, we invite you to learn some tips that will make your emails more effective

Make an offer. If you are targeting an “inactive” customer, you have to think that the person is in that state for a reason and if you simply tell them to come back, they won’t change their mind. However, if you add a discount on the product they have viewed or a small gift for their next purchase, it will be easier to bring them back.

Include eye-catching Calls To Action. If you really want your customer  how to make a fast financial report – in compliance with the law  to come back, it is essential that you use calls to action that catch their attention and invite them to click. Remember that you must be clear about the action you want the user to take.

Be timely. Even more important than the message itself is that it arrives right on time, meaning at the moment when the person is expecting or needing it. In the case of Cart Recovery Emails, it is essential that you send them within 24 hours after the user has abandoned their cart since the product is still on their mind.


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