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All this helps to increase the rating of a web resource in search engines

Interlinking also largely determines how crawlers distribute page weight and find the most important ones among them. In other words, hyperlinks help bots scan a website more effectively and correctly understand its structure. Types of interlinking Interlinking can be divid into two stages: developing an internal link structure and setting up external hyperlinks. In addition, links can be creat manually or using automation tools.

Bas on these two classifications

By the “destination point” of the link and by the method of its generation – four types of interlinking are distinguish : external and internal, automatic rich people number data and manual. Let’s look at each in detail. External linking Let’s make it clear right away: we are not talking about link building, when the volume of incoming external links is increas , but rather about interlinking your site with outgoing links to other resources.

special data

Here you place links throughout your project

That lead to pages outside the domain: your social m ia accounts, partner/client websites, various studies, ratings, catalogs, etc. In this way, you to use and work on a program like Adobe Illustrator can indicate the original source, direct traffic to your referral links, or help users find sites that will be of interest to them. The main thing is to set up external hyperlinks to open in a new tab so as not to worsen behavioral characteristics, and use similar resources as acceptors.

Internal linking Here everything is obvious:

For internal linking the goal is to build powder data connections between pages within one site. The link placement scheme can be: hierarchical, that is, web pages are link in descending order, as in online store catalogs (Home – Categories – Products); cross-link , meaning each web page is link to several others; ring, that is, the pages link to the neighboring ones in the circle, the last one to the first one, and all of them are link to the central one.

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