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Detect web usability problems

On page optimization of the site
Everything that happens on our page must be optimized for our SEO strategy.

And yes, On-page SEO influences (a lot) our organic positioning.

To put it simply, it’s like cleaning a house before painting it.

To perform a correct optimization, we must pay attention to the following aspects.

Internal and External Linking

Internal links will add richness to our content.

And they provide our users with more information that can be useful to them in understanding the main text.

Its use also improves the time spent on our website and the number of pages viewed.

Of course, it must be a coherent and quality link, because if we link at will without any sense, it will penalize us in our SEO strategy or the link juice (positioning strength) will be diluted by pages of the domain that are not really interesting in terms of its positioning (such as, for example, the “about us” and “contact” pages).

Another important aspect of our SEO strategy is the use of external links

This can in turn provide us with external links brazil phone number list that lead to our website (for example, if we make a ranking and mention some companies in the sector, we can then ask them for the same in return, or even other companies may want to appear on that list and offer us a link or mention in return).

It is best to include one in each text, linking to authoritative pages that provide the reader with added value compared to the content they are already viewing.

Finally, it is vital to review all the web links found on our page.

And if we have many broken links for which the quality optimized content fateful 404 errors appear, we will be losing a lot of what we have done in our SEO strategy.

Review your URLs and if you have optimized some of them, make sure you make the correct redirects from the old URL to the new one.

URL and meta description

On-page SEO optimization will largely depend on the layout of our URLs.

The easier we make it for Google to crawl our pages, the better.

For this reason, we must insist on making friendly URLs on each and every one of our pages.

This means using keywords briefly and concisely in them (remember, always one keyword per page and do not repeat it on any other page to avoid pagination problems).

For example, if our text is about “sailboat repair”, the cxb directory friendly URL for that text would be “sailboat-repair”.

Always in lowercase and without accents in any word.

Much of the results of our SEO strategy will depend on this.

It will also be necessary to indicate to Google with a canonical rel, the URL of the page to indicate that this is the page that should be positioned for that term and not another within the domain.

On the other hand, we must be very careful with our metadescription .

This is the small paragraph on our page that appears in Google results when someone is performing a search.

It must be brief, eye-catching and include the target keyword, as this will significantly improve the CTR (click to rate).

Don’t forget to pay attention to web design and usability

It will be essential that your website is. Attractive (clean, neat and modern design), clear, simple and easy to. Navigate, both on computers. And smart devices.

Not only to improve the user experience on the site. But also for the search engine. Since this usability will be rewarded by google and by the user. Who will increase their stay time.

For example, content boxes in. Blog articles offer great usability to the user. Since thanks to the anchors, they can reach the part. Of the content they want without having to scroll down the page.

But it is also very practical for the search engine. Which will position it better because it makes it easier to. Crawl it and understand its structure in a logical way.

The same thing happens with elements such as the site map or the main menu.

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