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Doppler Chat: Email Marketing for Agencies

Lucas Sanchez
Lucas Sanchez
Sales Manager at @fromdoppler. Fan of outdoor walks and arthouse cinema.

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Doppler Chat: Email Marketing for Agencies

Did you miss our first #DopplerChat ? Don’t worry! We summarized the best of this Twitter event in this post. Find out what happened and take away some amazing tips for your agency.

On April 14th we launched Doppler Chats. This is a new form of interaction and training that will be much talked about, especially on Twitter . On this occasion, three of the main Marketing agencies in Latin America, such as MetraBrandGroup , Tresensocial and Clicker 360 , shared their tricks and secrets related to Email Marketing, Email Automation and Transactional Email.

With more than 10 million views and 246 RTs, the first #DopplerChat was a huge success. Relive every minute of this amazing Twitter conversation and learn from the top experts in every response.

Q1. How did you incorporate Email Marketing into your digital strategy?

The rise of dynamic content has forced agencies to incorporate Email Marketing into their planning. At this point, all participants agreed that this is one of the most effective techniques when it comes to promoting a brand and positioning it in the market. That is why uk data  they have not hesitated to add it to their strategy.

Q2. Which sectors or industries use Email Marketing the most?
This technique is so versatile that it can be used by companies in any sector . After what is business license tax?  all, what company doesn’t need to sell products and build customer loyalty? Among the most frequently mentioned are: insurance, B2B, education, retail, tourism , banking, gastronomy , e-commerce and entertainment.



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