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Have a clear strategy and goal


Gamification is not cheap, and to make your investment in it worthwhile, you need to know who, when, and why you want to send the email with game elements. A game that is supposed to generate new contacts for you will look different from one that will support sales.

Don’t make things too complicated

Game elements in an email are meant to entertain recipients and distract them from reading text messages all day long. When creating a game, avoid overly complicated job seekers database mechanisms that would take customers’ attention for too long. Also, think about your target audience and build the game in a way that is immediately understandable and can be mastered by absolutely everyone.

Test, test, test

Rather than sending broken game content, don’t send united states america data any at all. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot and always make sure that the game actually works exactly as it’s supposed to .


You’ve probably heard before that more and more recipients are opening and reading emails on their phones, so be sure to create your game in both web and mobile versions, and test the functionality of both several times.

The popularity of gamification is growing abroad, and it can expert tips to improve user experience therefore be assumed  . It will soon become a completely common part of email campaigns here as well. Take the chance to be one of the first and try to create a game that we will all enjoy playing in emails.

What do you think of this trend? Are you planning to include gamification in your emailing strategy? Which game caught your attention the most? Let us know in the comments below the article or in our Facebook group

You can do with just three variables

The analysis owes its popularity primarily to its simplicity, as you only need three variables to perform it – customer identifier, purchase value and purchase date. In principle, you should be able to create it yourself in common spreadsheet tools. However, you can also choose the path of automation through CRM systems.

Before you dive into the process, think about how much historical data you want to work with. It all depends on the nature of your online business. While for some e-shops it will make sense to use data from a year ago, for others you will need to focus on data from the last month at most.

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