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How does Crossmia work?

Have you heard of Crossmia? This is one of the main pillars of an advertising campaign, and it allows you to diversify your content strategy and reach a larger audience. Keep reading and we’ll explain more about it!

Crossmia: what is it?
Advertising campaigns are call cross mia, especially by those who work with this type of communication. The technical term has been increasingly us nowadays, showing that there is a strong trend in communication that should be more present in a  advertising database few years.

However, cross mia is not just

advertising database

any type of advertising campaign. It has its own characteristics and is execut differently from what normally happens with projects. It is a strategy us for communication, but many agencies are still unaware of this resource and have many questions about it.

An action like this means that the campaign is present on several platforms, not just on a single advertising channel. The difference is that some projects are develop only for the internet, for example, while cross mia is capable of serving all communication channels.

Furthermore, a cross-mia campaign is also usually complementary, as it will appear in several mia outlets and has a slightly more intense impact. In this way, the brand or company can involve more people in the message, thus achieving more sales conversions using this type of strategy, from the first time of contact with the viewer until the final phase.This term literally means the crossing of mia, which is exactly what the strategy does. Therefore, a cross-mia campaign uses several communication channels, which includes print, TV and radio, as well as online mia.

Just because an action is present

Several mia outlets does not mean it is a type of cross mia. To fit into this type of campaign, in addition to integrating several mia outlets, the action also nes to tell the same story, that is, it is the same advertisement for all channels, whether on social mia crawler data  television, magazines, among others.

This strategy works in a complementary way, where each mium complements the other in order to construct a unique message, not just communicate the same thing to the target audience.

Therefore, in cross mia it is not enough to simply broadcast an advertisement  they value and what doesnt make on several channels, bu r something that encourages access to another means of communication, so that the public can get to know the campaign in full and interact with it.

To summarize, it is as if advertisers creat an entire campaign and divid it into three stages, one for television, another for the internet and a final one for print  following a characteristic of the mium in which it is insert. Since the idea is for people to follow this story, each part of the campaign indicates where the next chapter will be told.

Some examples of Crossmia
In 2014, to launch Coco-Cola’s World Cup theme song, the company creat sever s and newspapers, where the reader had to send a message to receive instructions for downloading the file with the song.

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