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How important is email marketing for your clients? What do they use it for?

In this case, everyone recognized the relevance of Email Campaigns in any digital strategy, mainly due to the benefits it brings to companies. Although agencies are aware of this importance, many of their clients are not until they see for themselves its effectiveness.

One of the main advantages they pointed out is that of achieving conversions with excellent results , that is, its great capacity to close sales, increase event registrations and publicize new products and services.

Q4. What type of campaigns do you usually send?
Although most companies think that Email Marketing is based solely on s advertising database ending Newsletters, this is not the case. There is a type of Campaign for each objective and need . The important thing is to clearly identify what you want to achieve and target a very specific audience, that is, correctly segmented. In this way, you will be able to send:

Promotional (sell)

By invitation (event registration)

advertising database

Seasonal or special dates (greeting, selling or sending gifts)
Loyalty (retaining customers and increasing loyalty to your brand)
Q5. How do you offer the Email Marketing service to your clients?
Nowadays, many agencies offer it as part of a more comprehensive service that includes other techniques. This is one of the most used methods, since the most effective way of doing Online Marketing is to think of a global, multi-channel or multidisciplinary strategy , where each of the tactics works in a complementary way with the rest.

Q6. What percentage of the agency’s turnover does email marketing represent?
By offering the service as part of a comprehensive strategy and not as an individual element, it is difficult to define what percentage of the overall billing corresponds to Email Marketing .

However, one of our guests, the Clicker360 agency, stated that this service represents 10% of the company’s total turnover , which is significant if you consider all the aspects that make up the package of services offered by the company.

Q7. How do you set KPIs and measure the results of your shipments?

At this point, all participants stressed the need to define KPIs before implementing each of the tactics of an online strategy. Identifying in advance the indicators to which you will pay attention will allow you to concentrate on the really important aspects  types of tax reports that must be submitted monthly and quarterly and will make it easier to measure  uk data the results of your actions. Among the main metrics that agencies analyse are:

Delivery Rate
Opening Rate
Click Rate
Number of Bounces
Number of Removals
Q8. What was the best result you have obtained from an Email Marketing Campaign?
The analysis of your Email Campaign Reports is a key aspect when it comes to optimizing future deliveries. That is why agencies focus on measuring the KPIs mentioned above to find out what has worked best and what needs to be modified to increase the effectiveness of their clients’ Campaigns.

For its part, the Clicker360 agency mentioned the case of an activation mailing from a retailer that obtained an Open Rate of 60% , with a Click Rate of 70% and 40% of registrations . Jorge Avila , founder of Tresensocial , referred to the Campaign they sent on the occasion of the Pope’s arrival in Mexico, although he did not specify details about the results of that mailing.

Q9. What are the main advantages of Email Automation?
All agencies stated that their main benefit is to speed up and simplify the work of marketers. They also indicated that this type of mailing is ideal for building customer loyalty and increasing the number of conversions because it allows them to guide leads through the sales funnel until they make a purchase.

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