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Is encryption really secure?

Encryption has been a hot topic these days when it comes to apps, especially messaging apps. But do you really know what it means and what’s new on the subject? In this blog post, we’ll talk about “encryption in apps: why is it important?” Stay tun!

Today, on average, 55 million messages are sent every day on WhatsApp wor overseas data ldwide. We know how essential and strategic this application has become for businesses. In fact, the tool will test a new payment method within the application itself in Brazil.

Because so much information

overseas data

Echang all the time, ensuring that messages are exch ential. After all, these are private conversations that address personal and strategic topics, and no one wants malicious people reading everything, right?

To protect the privacy and information of these conversations, encryption for communication applications was creat.

What is encryption?

The word “encryption” means “writing in a hidden way.” This means that when we type a message in a communication application, encryption is able to “scramble” the letters so that other people cannot understand it.

This means that only the sender and receiver are able to understand the messag crawler data  e, which guarantees the security and privacy of communication.

It can happen, for example,  e looking for a business that sells air conditioning dryer filters , and you exchange messages with the establishment.

Nowadays, when making online sales, you may be ask for your personal  what is lifelong learning? details and even your bank account number to complete the sales process. This will vary from establishment to establishment.

Many people question wheth  will actually protect their data. The truth is that encrypt messages are more secure than other traditional forms of communication such as phone calls and SMS.

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