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Licensing All rights to the “window OS” belong to one company

Which has exclusive rights to modify and distribute copies of the program. The price of the license depends on the scale of the business. Three itions have been releas for server management: Datacenter, Standard, Essentials. When renting a VPS, the cost of the license may be includ in the service, or it may be calculat separately. Distributions are distribut free of charge or for money, depending on the conditions set by their developers.

However, the cost of commercial OS versions is lower than that of Windows

At the same time, many distributions have open source code, and users have free access to it. Spe Linux is ahead of its competitor gambling number data in terms of spe . It has the following advantages: minimizing delays when executing multiple processes; efficient Ext4 file system; Correct use of RAM. Data transfer protocols SSH has become the main protocol for secure data exchange between the server and users.

special data

It is compatible with both systems, but for Linux

It is the default technology and programs for its configuration are includ in the set of its standard utilities. Windows also allows using Secure the best alternative programs for Adobe Illustrator are Shell, but this requires the installation of additional software. Database management systems Windows Server works with a DBMS from Microsoft. MySQL is one of the main components of the Linux server software – LAMP. Reliability Windows is protect by a built-in antivirus program, while Linux is resistant to viruses due to the architecture of the operating system.

In order to harm a server, a malicious program

In Linux would ne rights to make changes to certain folders and install special libraries. It is difficult to create the conditions necessary for infecting powder data a distribution here. Conclusion The content management system is select bas on the ne s of the user and the project. For the server, we recommend choosing Linux – the operating system is faster, more reliable, easier to configure and compatible with a large number of software. In addition, the main distributions continue to work in Russia without restrictions.

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