The important thing is that DIY is truly useful and establishes a bridge between your audience and the type of service or product that your business offers.
Photographs will certainly help increase engagement on your page.
Visual resources are much more flexible than text when it comes to capturing your reader’s attention, and that’s why they end up performing better than those that don’t use this alternative.
You can think of creative uses that speak both about your product and your company, and although it is important, using state-of-the-art equipment is not enough when it comes to thinking about a good photo.
Value creativity at this time
Build a narrative with your visual content and, of course, think of formats that speak to your audience.
Don’t forget that in this matter it is also essential to consider the visual identity of your business.
7. Questions and answers
Does your audience usually have some common question about your product or service?
Take advantage of the space and reach provided by Facebook to provide these answers.
Some companies set greece email list aside posts on specific days of the week just to answer consumer questions.
These can be common questions, such as product specifications, or more complex ones, such as the production process adopted by the business.
It is worth understanding your persona’s behavior and evaluating how this type of space can be used, also considering the ideal format according to their online consumption habits.
This can be a good opportunity to bring the company closer to the public, as well as guarantee some feedback to improve the business.
8. Customer testimonials
Testimonials 6 types of transactional emails that will grow your business reviews or feedback are often decisive for customers to choose to purchase your product.
For this agb directory reason, this type of content can and should be considered for Facebook.