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State and local government needs solutions

State and local government needs solutions that enable them to meet constituent needs while allowing staff to do more with less. Customer experience software like Granicus’s Meeting and Agenda Suite can help turn a wasteful, tedious paper process into a seamless, digital interaction with constituents. Ultimately, this results in more informed decision making, a more informed public and a process that produces a happier and more efficient agency.

For more information about how

Innovate state and local government, you can find the full guide here.ing to do. Even when you informed your supervisors about your extra bandwidth, they were still unable to find work for you. And especially when it comes to summer in government, slow weeks can be the name of the game. So what do you do during those downtimes at work?

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Take a couple of selfies? Get out your overseas chinese in canada data fidget spinner? You could do these things, but they wouldn’t be a productive use of your time. As monotonous as slow days may seem, there are several ways you can use those periods to advance your professional development.

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Not only will these productive tips

You more equipped at your job when work starts said omar alcalá, director of cybersecurity piling in, they will also help your career in the long term: Organize. Nothing kills productivity like clutter and mess. When you want to maximize productivity during your busy workdays, help yourself out by clearing your workspace. Think of it as taking the time to pave a highway you can use when you need to travel fast.

Clear your desk by getting rid of

anything lying around that you don’t use on a daily basis, i.e. old mugs, lanyards and post its. File old paperwork that needs to be saved and get rid rich data paper that doesn’t have any value. Read up. Not talking about a Jillian Flynn thriller like “Gone Girl” here. When you have time to kill, it’s good to spend time reading up on your current organization.

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