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 Then the buyer will be interested and you will become friends

A jutting chin. The more the chin protrudes, the stronger it is. An overgrown chin. People with an overhanging chin tend not to trust those around them, they are suspicious. The more the chin is shav, the more jealousy and self-doubt a person has. When selling to such a person, there is no ne to hide what is negatively relat to the product, no attempts to deceive.

These people are suspicious, so they quickly sense deception

You have to build trust. You can’t press either advertising database because it will run away. When talking to such a buyer, you will hear a lot of doubts from his side, you ne to extinguish all fears with arguments. Smooth chin. People with a flat chin are concern about their appearance, what others will think of them. Such customers should be prais. A protruding chin.

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The more forward the chin is, the more willful and strong the person is, it is the winner’s chin

Lips: Average, thick lips do not affect sales how to protect your online store from data breaches at all. Only thin lips require exclusivity. People with thin lips don’t buy things to show off in front of others, they buy things only because they ne them. The owner of thin lips nes to sell the actual benefits. People who have thin lips and a short neck are afraid of innovation.

The thicker the lips, the more a person talks

If you want the secret to be out, all you buying house b have to do is tell the secret to the owner of the thick lips and everyone will know. The downside of people with thin lips is that they don’t know how to console themselves, they don’t know how to ask for help. If they didn’t like something today, it will close inside. People with thin lips are characteriz by sarcasm.

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