Home » There are advantages to using such letters:

There are advantages to using such letters:

For SEO, preference given to static URLs that include constant content. Th allows search robots to index more easily, which means the ability to ensure more effective promotion of the project. Another advantage the brevity, capacity of the URL, it easy to read and remember. The dynamic version valued for other factors: thanks to the additional information included in it, people receive personalized content, and the owner himself protected from duplicates.

What types of URLs are there? Image by pch.vector on Freepik

Absolute and relative As for absolute URLs, the addresses have all the basic components and look like th, for example: s:ruweb.netarticleschto-takoe-poddomen-i-dlya-chego-on-nuzhen Relative addresses are noticeably different, describing chinese in america the path to the web relative to its root, directory. The “set” consts of components located to the right of the domain name: uslugissl. Th option more often used for technical purposes.

special data

Three URL formats The technology of placing data on the Internet subject to certain standards

Th means that URL components are by monitoring the percentage of new visitors considered correct if they are formatted: in Latin letters, taking into account the peculiarities of the Englh alphabet (without the unusual ä, š, etc.); symbols permitted for use in URLs; Arabic numerals. URL in Latin Th format an address translated into Englh. Th option often used to indicate categories of web pages, various sections, headings.

It recognized as universal, familiar to users

An additional plus that it easily perceived powder data and processed by search engines. URL in Cyrillic A special case of using “unauthorized” symbols. It designed for users whose languages ​​use alphabets with Cyrillic symbols, and exts to make it easier for them to remember the names of web sites and navigate the structure. Modern browsers are able to interact with th format. It most often used in Cyrillic domains or in cases where the address component short.

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