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What is a financial report? 6 things you must know about financial statements

Financial reports are one of the indispensable documents in businesses with the purpose of summarizing all business activities and related to the business budget. Please join MISA meInvoice to refer to information related to financial reports in the following article.

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Table of Contents Hide

1. Overview of financial statements
1.1. What is a financial report?
1.2. What is a financial report in English?
1.3. Who are the users of financial statements?
1.4. Purpose of financial statements
1.5. The role of financial reporting
2. What does a financial denmark telegram data  report include?
2.1. Balance sheet
2.2. Business performance report
2.3. Cash flow statement
2.4. Notes to financial statements
3. Common types of financial reports today
3.1. Divide by content reflected in the report
3.2. Divide by reporting time
Financial statements are economic information presented in tabular form to provide information

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about the financial situation business and cash flow of an enterprise.

Financial statements are also a means to So that your website is optimized  present profitability and financial status. of a business to business owners, investors, tax authorities, banks, and authorities…

According to regulations, all enterprises belonging to all economic sectors and sectors must prepare and present annual financial statements. However, companies (general corporations) with affiliated economic units, in addition to annual vietnam data  financial statements , must prepare consolidated financial statements at the end of the accounting period. .

In addition, state-owned enterprises and enterprises listed on the stock market, in addition to preparing annual financial statements, will also have to prepare full interim financial statements .

1.2. What is a financial report in English?

Financial Statement in English is Financial Statement. In addition, some common English financial reporting terms you can refer to the table below.

Vietnamese English
Balance sheet Balance sheet
Business performance report Statement of income
Cash flow statement Cash flow statement
Notes to financial statements Notes to the financial statements
1.3. Who are the users of financial statements?
There are 2 groups of people who regularly use financial reports:

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