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When you see that a title starts

Their characteristics, you will discover that these tactics are very well suit to small and mium-siz sites . Using your CMS (WordPress, for example) you will be able to fine-tune every detail to work on. Some examples would be: service websites, shop windows, agencies, small hotel chains, schools, e-commerce with a limit catalogue, events, etc.

Keyword condensation

This is not a technique we can recommend at IKAUE. In fact, we don’t like it at all. We mention it because it is so common that it is still us on some sites today.

The tactic is to try to add several keywords to the same UR

This is usually done with pages with high authority and relevance: your homepage, main categories, etc. And with these pages you try to appear for different searches and search intentions with a single page. You can detect the use of this tactic on other websites by looking at the <title/> field of the page (or the name of the tab in the browser).  with a line data keyword but then adds others, you are dealing with keyword condensation.


special data


Why do we almost never recommend it?

Because positioning is increasingly relat to the semantics and meaning of your pages. Dividing your bet in two divides your positioning possibilities way for immersive experiences to be part by two. In practice, it usually means that you do not position in any of the bets you are making and it all ends up as a nice, meaningless attempt.

Only a few websites with a lot of authority and inbound links

Will be able to afford to do this and be successful. If this is not your case, do not try to copy them. This tactic makes sense when you notice that your page is already ranking for two different keywords. It may not be your intention, but it is happening. Through keyword tracking tools, we will find that this happens for some pages. Google finds tg data your page  ambiguous and decides to show it as a result of different searches.

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