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The initial fear of communicating with other people

What about this behavior gives you more confidence? Step 5. Learn to use your new tricks in your everyday life. The more often you practice this, the more natural you will look . Exercise “From Hate to Love” This is a great option for training in developing communication skills. With its help, you will learn how to find an approach to different people. Step 1: Choose the person from your circle with whom you find it most difficult to find a common language.

This could be a colleague, a distant relative

A childhood friend. Step 2: Set a goal to improve your communication with this person. The end goal can be different: working together on a project, traveling, or singapore phone number library a strong friendship. Step 3. Suggest a joint activity that will help you actively interact together. For example, you can visit an interesting place, take a walk in the park, watch a movie, or take part in a social event.

The conditions of the meeting should

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Be suitable for both of you. Step 4: After the meeting, you should take the time to discuss your experience. Talk about how the event went, what you liked, and what could have been better. Seek to accept and understand the other person’s point of view and opinion, even if they contradict your views. Step 5. Assess how successful your communication was and whether you achieved your goal.

If you are not satisfied with the data

You received, think about what you can do next time to reasons why you should consider make communication more successful. Exercise “Leaving the Comfort Zone” This practice will allow you to develop your ability to communicate in non-standard and uncomfortable situations. Step 1. The essence of this training is that you need to approach strangers with various questions.

Start with basic interactions

Ask the time or ask for directions. You can also tell the buy lead person that he or she looks great. This will help overcome. Step 2: Make it harder. Once you feel more confident, try to stay in the conversation longer. Set a goal to talk to a stranger for at least a minute. Step 3: Gradually increase the time and number of strangers you interact with. Approach people in cafes, at social events, or on public transport.

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