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Applications in today’s world

The world is largely digital and with this technological revolution, many tools are here to stay. This is the case of apps that perform a series of daily activities on mobile devices. However, there is a regulation of applications until this tool reaches the user. Understand!Apps are us for countless purposes, ranging from to-do lists and calendars to communication, games and even reminders to drink water. So much so that it is difficult to find someone who does not regularly use some apps.

The consulting firm specializing in digital behavior and the digital market, App Annie, highlights that Brazilians spend an average of three hours a day using apps on their smartphones. Studies conduct by the company also indicate that Brazilians have around 70 to 80 apps install, with an average real use of 30 apps.

This mechanism, which is seen as a novelty for the industry, also brought a accurate mobile phone number list  new business model: application development. All of these apps that you have install on your cell phone were creat by someone and, in order to work, they ne adequate regulation.

Basically, it’s not just about creating the app

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A lot of bureaucracy involv in getting this tool to yd installing it on your smartphone or tablet. In general, it takes a lot more than just programming to run this app.

Since this sector has seen a very promising growth every year, specific regulations for applications were necessary. Learn about some bills that every developer nes to know, especially if they are just starting out in this business.

Law on the protection of intellectual property of computer programs
The name is long and this legislation was not creat now. It is Law No. 9,609, of crawler data   February 19, 1998, long before the emergence of applications. In fact, this regulation clashes with copyright, at least here in Brazil.

Software that has guidelines similar

To protect books, music or artistic productions has the right to these products. In this case, if the application has any similarity to this content or uses an excerpt from a song, for example, ituthorization from the perso this is because they encourage your customer  n responsible to be sold.

But the issue is much broader, since the creator of a source code that was us for the application can clion. This is because he is entitl to receive so-call royalties for the revenue from the product.

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