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Know your customers well

Many people dream of uploading a video to YouTube and getting millions of views, but why? How big is your brand’s audience? The important thing is to reach your target audience, not just anyone.

The goal should be to reach those contacts who can become buyers of your product o advertising database r service . To do this, it is crucial that you know them in depth. The best thing you can do in this regard is to analyze:

Demographics: You can get this from a number of easy-to-use sources like Google Analytics. Go to the “Demographics” section under “Find new targeting ideas” and type in a topic that is aligned with the niche you want to target.

Psychographic data: what they think

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A what their preferences are, what they want to learn. Knowing what they do for a living and all the aspects of their personal life that in some way determine their choice.

Behavioral data: How do they consume content in terms of format, frequency and length? When? What are their main interests?

Define “ Reader Personas ” : By doing this you will be able to create effective content based on your readers. You will even be able to build a kind of imaginary avatar based on the characteristics of your ideal client. In this step you must interpret the above information, apply it to a specific profile and give it a name.

Analyze the user’s personality

Have you ever wanted to understand why your audience behaves in a certain way ? Good news! There are tools that detect certain patterns of a specific user or client’s personality from a text that he or she has written, which must contain words about everyday experiences, thoughts, and responses in order to be analyzed.

This service applies linguistic analysis and personality theory to infer certain attributes. Based on those results, you can begin to provide more personalized experiences – this is key to attracting and retaining customers!

Little by little, you will be able to establish common patterns between certain user segments, to generate a more realistic and personalized content strategy.

Put your strategy into practice
Remember that all the content you generate must be perfectly synchronized with the customer’s life cycle or Customer Journey . To do this, follow these steps from the beginning to the closing of the sale.

Create content that impacts a specific audience. It can be in different formats: podcasts, videos, infographics, images, texts and other materials that you consider attractive.

Put them in front of the user

A grab the attention of your target audience. Try to reach people who can actually end up becoming customers.
Humanize your company : Humans like to know that there are peo given this demand for quick ple behind that content.
Listen to your customers : Get to know your customers in a dynamic and attentive way because consumers are constantly changing.
Educate them and help them : don’t use commercial content quick signs   but leave them with something.
Strengthen your Brand Image : The idea is to build strong relationships with users and customers, generating a long-term bond.
Provide effective response to demand : Ultimately, your sales will increase as a result of the entire process, so it is crucial that you are able to supply orders on time.
Design content for micro-moments
Mobile devices have become an essential part of people’s lives. They use them on the subway, in line at the supermarket, or when walking home. The key is knowing how to take advantage of those minutes to consume your content.

Many times it is in those little free moments in which they take advantage to look for prices or opinions about a product they want to buy, look for related information, watch videos that are of interest to them, etc. Therefore, it is essential that you think about how to create specific content designed for those moments .


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