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Know your users

If you want people to find you every time they search for a service or product like yours on the Web , download the new Infographic that we have launched in which you will find everything you need to consider when optimizing your results.

While you download this great material, we show you a small portion of what you will find inside, get ready to optimize your Web Positioning to 100% !

It is essential that.

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A first of all, you know who you are addressing. Analyze the characteristics of your  updated 2024 mobile phone number library audience, put yourself in their shoes and think about what kind of information they would like to find on a site like yours.

It is essential that you have a thorough understanding of their needs, tastes, preferences, criteria, doubts and barriers when making a decision regarding the purchase of a product or contracting a service. This will be key to understanding how users reach your Website and thus being able to encourage the arrival of more and more visitors while offering a positive User Experience .

2. Analyze your competition
Conduct searches related to your products or services and analyze the pages that appear among the first results naturally . Study the strategy of both your niche competitors and those who use the same keywords as you and detect flaws that you can take advantage of.

3. Study the Keywords
Choose the best Keywords for your Website! To have more precise information about what and how people carry out their searches, you can use tools such as Google Keyword Tool and Google Trends .

Remember that it is best to

A add Keywords to your content that have a high number of searches and whose level of competition is low . Make sure to make a correct selection and place them in strategic places. In our new SEO Infographic you will discover the keys to doing it effectively.

4. Design an appropriate Web Architecture
Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to organize the information on your page. This not only provides better reading for users, but also helps search engines to easily understand the structure .

Paragraphs should not be too long, try to add pauses so that rea given this demand for quick ders do not have to strain too much to understand. At the same time, citing sources and adding links is key to increasing the credibility of the information. These two points are not  quick signs   only important to improve the user experience, they are also analyzed by Google.

Learn other essential tips for designing an effective Web Architecture in our SEO Infographic .


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