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What does a person’s face say about a person and how to apply it in sales?

This is the zone of feelings. Artists are dominat by the zone of feelings. From the middle of the eyebrows to the beginning of the hair. This is the zone of intelligence. This zone dominates among scientists. Jaws: The wider a person’s jaw, the stronger their ego. The width of the jaw shows the strength of the human spine. The wider the jaw, the more a person cannot tolerate the authority of other people.

So, if the buyer has a wide jaw, you will feel more resistance when pressing on it

In order to sell something to the owner mom database of a wide jaw, you ne to show humility and create the illusion that the person is making the decision himself. In addition, the wider the jaw, the more self-important a person is. Such a person should be prais, prais, etc. The sharper and tighter a person’s jaw is, the more a person is a perfectionist.

special data

Everyone with hard-lin jaws does everything perfectly, pays attention to details and details

When dealing with a client like this, you have this will allow the original to think through all the details. These people will judge your outfit, how you present yourself and the product. It is very important to maintain a relationship with such a customer after the sale. Never being late for meetings and delivering on what was promis. They get it wrong twice, there’s no third time.

Chin: Round chin

This is the chin of managers, because buying house b these people will always take the initiative. The manager cannot be sold immiately. First, talk more abstractly, but don’t sell. When something starts to be explain to the leader, it becomes uninteresting. So, disarm the manager with neutral phrases and compliments, praise from all sides, and when the manager starts to feel good, then you can start selling. In this way, the illusion will be creat that the manager made the decision himself.

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