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Whilst the training is scheduled ahead of time

it’s still pretty flexible which has been really helpful if there’s a particular subject area I’m struggling with or want to know more about. During Whilst the training is the session Feli will give some background information before sharing her screen and giving a practical demonstration of the task at hand. I’ve found the later part particularly useful. It’s easy to find information on SEO techniques but it’s harder to see how they are put into practice.

More than just watching

Feli carry out the task herself, at the end of each session doctor database I am then assigned my own task to practice what I’ve just learned. This leads me nicely onto… Learning While Doing My favourite part about Serps Academy is getting the opportunity to do some work myself. It gives me the much sought after practical experience I mentioned at the start of this blog post.

When I first started at

Serps, I was working on tasks for smaller pro-bono clients. Now I’m working with a range of clients, both large and small, from a variety of different sectors. The variety of both the tasks and the clients keeps everyday interesting. I’ve carried out keyword research, created metadata, written blog posts (like I’m doing now) and more for clients ranging from the Investment Companies to Independent Children’s Book Publishers.

Feli is always easily available

throughout this process if I need any further assistance and her feedback is always constructive. I really value being able learn and enhance my skills through this experience. The combination of personalised and practical experience is what sets Serps Academy apart from other online training methods. CV and Interview Assistance Lastly,

Feli has proofread and made

special data

suggestions for my updated CV. Thankfully, with the help of Serps Academy, it is now much improved and includes all the new SEO skills and experience I have gained increased competitiveness so far. Final Thoughts I really can’t overstate the skills and confidence I have gained over my course of time at Serps. Being able to interact and carry out tasks for real clients has been invaluable and I look forward to seeing where my career in content and copywriting goes from here.

Google News provides

personalised up-to-date news coverage for millions of users across the world. Whilst many think of it purely as a platform for news sites and publishers, this isn’t strictly malaysia data true. Google News sends 6 billion clicks per month to publishers. If your business is able to tap into even a small percentage of that, the increase in traffic to your site could be huge. In the following article I’ll be sharing some top tips for getting your articles featured in Google News in 2020.

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