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You could say that meta tags form the business card

Of your website on the Internet. Like a business card, they should be short, informative and attractive. Search engines like Google and Yandex use information from meta tags to determine the relevance of your page to user queries. Although meta tags are not the only ranking factor, their correct use can significantly affect the visibility of a site. Meta tags are the link between your content and your audience, they ensure effective interaction with users and improve the overall visibility of the site on the Internet.

Meta tags on a website – what is it?

Image by pch.vector on Freepik. What tasks do meta tags perform on a website? The main purpose of meta tags is to convey information about the ebay data content of a web page. They allow search engines to understand what your page is about and also affect how your page is present in search results. The components of this task are: improv indexing; click-through rate (CTR) optimization; providing information about the content of a web page.

special data

Manage caching and browser behavior; specifying

The page language; mobile adaptation management; copyright notice. Using meta tags correctly will greatly increase your chances. Of attracting 5 marketing trends your e-commerce business can take advantage of visitors to your site. How Meta Tags Affect Search Engine Optimization Meta tags play a key role in search engine optimization (SEO). They help search engines index web pages and determine their relevance to user queries.

For example, if you have a well-form meta title tag

Your page will be more visible in search results, which will likely lead to more incoming traffic. Three Essential Meta Tags for SEO Let’s look at three main meta tags that significantly affect the visibility of your site. Title tag and how to fill it correctly powder data Meta Title tag is the page title that appears in search results. It should be short (up to 60 characters) and contain the keywords you plan to promote. For example, for a cooking site, the correct meta Title tag might look like this: “Delicious Recipes – Cooking Site.

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